No Spend Month 2016! | WHITE HOMES

Well HELLO! Nice to talk to you again! I took an unexpected week off and it was wonderful. It's like the end of summer around here -- so sad to see the break go but also looking forward to a bit of structure again. We are all night owls at heart -- going to bed at a decent time and waking up early are painful for all of us, so we go with it over the two weeks and it's so freaking awesome. Now we start the transition to real life again and it isn't pretty. ;)

I've done a no spend month once a year for the past few years now. I used to do it in the middle of the year but last year I started doing it in January and that's going to stick. After all of the extra decor and spending during the holiday season I'm ready for a break from spending and ready to get some stuff done.

I always have a long to do list but often I see a shiny new project and gravitate towards that. This month is about avoiding the shiny and getting things knocked off the list. I turned 40 last year and I'm finding I have a lot less patience for unfinished projects. Seriously, they are making me itch. It bugs me that I work so hard on spaces and then I'll have baseboards that aren't finished or paint that needs touched up.

For me this means no spending on anything DIY or decor-related. No hardware store trips and certainly no HomeGoods trips, which is easy for some but when DIY and decor is your job it's a little more difficult. Target trips means grocery only. (Wail.) I also avoid shopping in general -- no clothing/makeup/etc. I'm not super strict about that though because I don't spend on those much anyway. It's really not that hard to avoid spending when I'm focused on getting things done, it's only the last few days that I really want to go buy something. This year I may not be quite as strict on the hardware store though -- I have a long list and that may require a few minor items. I've never allowed myself fresh flowers this month either and those are happening -- I need those in January. :)

I focus on using what we have, getting projects completed and purging and organizing our house. I thought I would share some of my favorite no-spend projects from years past before I kick this one off…

I've done a couple simple DIYs and this is still one of my favorites. :) I had a big candlestick from Goodwill:
candlestick table
And turned it into a little side table for the family room: 
white board and batten
We still use this table -- it's the perfect size for next to a chair! 

Another favorite is one I get asked about all the time. The DIY wood trough I use for decorating: 
gray fireplace marble tile
It's made from a few pieces of scrap wood and super easy to do. 

So easy and free so I made another one to use in our living room: 
half wall built in bookcase

They are great to fill up a long space, like down the middle of a dining table. Fill it with candles or flowers or whatever you can find!

I printed off some free art from the NYC Digital Gallery:
free printable art
They have thousands of free images for you to use however you wish (except to sell). I have had these up for  years and love them!

I added some simple trim to some art my son and I painted: 
DIY water color art
The scrap wood made into a frame makes it pop and really finishes it off!

Of course there's lots of organization projects tackled as well. I used more scrap wood to build some shelving into the unused corner of our guest closet:
DIY shelves in closet

Such a better use of space! 

My first project last year was purging and organizing our small storage room in the basement:
small storage room organization
That's one that will happen again this year, but thankfully it's not as bad as it was in that before! Yikes! 

And finally, I finish lists, which is the best part of a no spend month! A couple years ago I finished up small projects and completed our basement bathroom
blue and green bathroom design
It really is awesome to be productive and really focus. I don't think about or purchase for upcoming projects, I just tackle what I have had sitting around. 

Also, over the past six months I've gotten rid of more things in our house than I have in six years, no joke. I'm using the Konmari method (that I told you about here) but I put it on hold when the holidays and my kitchen renovation hit. I'll be sharing more of that process with you as well! 

Have you tried a no spend month? It's refreshing and really goes to show how very little new things we need. Of course new things are fun, but after the holidays I need a break. It does my mind good. Here's a look at my first no spend month and this and this are my latest two round ups. As always, check in on Instagram and Facebook for updates in between posts! :) 

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