Kitchen Inspiration on a Sick Day | WHITE HOMES

Hey there! Well, the good news is I finally started the painting in our bedroom and I LOVE IT. Why I waited two years to finish this up I do not know. I actually quite enjoy painting if I have the time -- put on some good TV or music and I find it oddly relaxing. It's the prep that always gets me and is the reason I put it off. I don't even tape much off anymore -- it's the moving furniture, filling holes and other prep that I don't care for. It's rough people. 

The bad news is I have come down with strep throat and I wasn't able to finish to show you today. So that sucks. I loathe strep -- it's been such a long time since I've had it and I'm so bummed out. At least this time it's not Christmas day (like last time) or the time we were in NYC to see my husband's band march in the Macy's parade (like one of the times before that). So there's that. ;)

Anyway, today I'm taking it easy and decided we'll just look at pretty pictures. Once I finish the bedroom I'm charging full steam ahead with the kitchen reno. I'm getting so excited to get moving on that -- I'm determined to have it done before the holidays. If you know me you're probably laughing right now (HELLO. Painting the bedroom two years later.) But I really think I can do it. I'm determined to not be quite as much of a sloth this summer. 

So here we go -- some beautiful kitchen photos. Yes, over the years I have fallen hard for the white kitchen. I find them timeless if done well. They can get sterile quick, but I think in general they can still warm and fresh and I LOVE them. 

I love the idea of a clean backdrop to add color with accessories and fabric: 

all white kitchen

Fourteen foot ceilings and massive windows don't hurt either, right? 

I adore a white kitchen against dark wood floors -- I think it's a classic that stands the test of time: 
white kitchen wood floors

Wood accents go a long way to adding some warmth too:
white kitchen wood accents

The natural bamboo shades do the same for this space. 

One of my favorite white kitchens is Nicole's at The House Diaries. I shared a tour of her beautiful home here. I love the white combined with the texture and color of the metals, wood and fabrics:
white galley kitchen

Even though I think all white kitchens are gorgeous, I don't plan on it for our home. I need some color and contrast. 

I don't think I could pull off a yellow island but this photo makes me think I could. Ha!: 
yellow kitchen island
The great part about a neutral kitchen is you can change up something like the island as much as you want and it will transform the room. Although I wouldn't know anything about painting your island 20 times…ahem.

I've always been a sucker for a well done two-toned kitchen. I find them soothing and still clean and crisp: 
gray base cabinets

I haven't decide on countertops or a backsplash yet -- I'm toying with the idea of going bold or doing some color for the tile, but it isn't easy or cheap to replace if you grow tired of it. 

I love the blues and greens of this backsplash tile though: 

blue and green backsplash white kitchen

Isn't that pretty? Color but still subdued. I really love it. I think the backsplash will be the hardest decision of the whole redo. 

Of course adding color on the walls is always an easy way to add some color too:
white kitchen gray walls

When I'm done there won't be that much wall showing in the kitchen, but it's a good option for most if you love white cabinets but don't want it to be too stark. Just be careful -- a lot of contrast can also make the white feel more sterile. 

I'm completely smitten with gray and white lately. Not just lately really -- for years now. It's soothing and yet still gives me that contrast that I crave. I LOVE this space: 

gray and white kitchen

I think this is the most similar to what I'm going for -- I already have the dark gray island. :) I would add more color to the space in the fabrics and accessories though. 

I cannot wait! I can see it all in my head…now I just need to get moving. You can see my progress in this space already by checking out the new window seat and the surround for the fridge. You can also see shots of the whole space about a quarter of the way through the reno here.  

Now I'm off to rest up and so I can hopefully paint some more later. :)

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