Tips for Decorating Around the TV | WHITE HOMES

As you know, this month I'm focused on finishing up projects around here, including our master bedroom (I shared the progress here). The last wall I'm working on is a huge one that holds a dresser with our TV and it's the hardest one to figure out decor-wise! (Yes we have a television in the bedroom -- we don't use it often but some nights there's nothing better than getting all cozy in bed and vegging out to mindless television!)

The age old question though, is how to make our big TVs of today work in the scheme of a room and not overpower it. I'm not a big stickler about this -- televisions don't bother me much. Especially the sleeker versions we have now. But often they kind of just hang out in the middle of a wall and stand out more than we'd like.

I've gathered a few of my favorite ideas on how to incorporate a TV into the design of your house, and even help it to disappear a little bit. My favorite ideas involve gallery walls -- especially those with black frames. I think they work so well with the TV:
gallery wall around TV with black frames

What a beautiful room right? I think this TV wall is done so well. White frames and other colors work well too of course, I just think the black helps to make the TV stand out a little less. 

I love the idea of incorporating big artwork to steal the focus:
art wall around TV

I like how these go all the way down to the floor too -- not just floating up above.

I have always loved this image from Pottery Barn and their use of frames and other items to make a true art wall around the TV:
Pottery Barn gallery wall around TV

Keep in mind this can get busy fast -- on a large wall you'll want to be careful how wide and big you go with the gallery. 

I love how this one has some art just slightly behind the TV -- you can still see it, but it feels layered: 
Minimize TV with gallery wall

These are a couple of my favorites -- I like the simple but non-symmetrical layout: 
decorating around the TV

I love the way Emily pulls in some color around hers as well: 
Ideas for decorating around the TV


If you don't want to use art, then try something else -- I love Marian's use of decorative plates for a softer feel: 
Decorating around TV with plates

I love the floating frames and low TV stand here: 
Floating shelves around TV

This is simpler and less cluttered look if the frames are too much for you. Side note -- I prefer to hang our TVs instead of sitting them on the surface. I just like the look better and it gives more breathing room and space to decorate around them. 

Before we knocked out a wall a couple years ago our TV hung on a different wall in our family room. I flanked it with lamps (I usually lean towards symmetry) and added a wood box underneath: 
Simple decor around TV
I tend to go simpler in our own home -- sometimes doing too much can backfire and bring even more attention to what you're trying to minimize. It all depends on your space and taste.

I also like the idea of going darker on the wall behind the television. You can do the whole wall or a smaller section -- I love this dark gray fireplace:
dark gray fireplace TV

I may be biased where that's concerned though. ;) Here's ours hanging over the dark gray fireplace and built ins (this color is Peppercorn by Sherwin Williams):
dark gray fireplace marble tile

I think a dark wall goes a long way to reducing how much the TV stands out. Again, I don't mind TVs too much -- they are a part of life. I don't think they are hideous. :)

On a similar note -- did anyone watch Fixer Upper this week? I think it was the first time ever that she incorporated a television in her design:
fixer upper barn house

I couldn't believe it! But I was happy to see this -- I'd love to see how she incorporates them even more. 

Have you done anything special to minimize the TV in your house? Or does it not bother you much? I have some ideas in mind for our master -- if it turns out I hope to show you next week! 

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