It is never too early to start preparing for the canning season. Before you know it, various fruits and vegetables from either your garden or a farmers market, will be ready to be preserved and put in canning jars. Now is the time to assess your canning needs and stock up on those needed supplies. Whether you are a veteran canner or a novice beginner, now it the time to stock, and "stalk", up on canning jars, canning lids, and other canning supplies. Most canning supplies, such as lids, jars, canners, canning salt, pectin, etc., will be hitting the grocery shelves in the month of May. This is a good time to start "stocking" up on those supplies. Many second hand stores will begin to rotate their "seasonal" items, which includes jars and canners, very soon. Also, many folks are doing their spring cleaning and, in some cases, getting rid of excess jars and canning supplies. This is why now is a good time to "stalk" these precious supplies. Keep your eyes and ears open for great deals!
Here are a few other tips and suggestions to assist you in getting a jump start on the canning season:
1. STOP throwing out or recycling those mayonnaise jars and pickle jars--they are GREAT for canning, especially for fruits and juices!
2. SHOP at your local thriftstore and look for jars, canners, or other canning accessories. Do not wait until the canning season. If you do....they won't be there!
3. If you do find some jars at the 2nd-hand store, carefully examine the jars for cracks and chips. Run your finger over the mouth of the jar to ensure it is smooth and free from imperfections.
4. DO go to estate and garage sales and inquire about canning supplies--often you will hit the "mother-lode" and save BIG TIME on jars, etc.
5. Put out the word at your workplace, church, neighborhood, that you are wanting canning jars, etc. You will be surprised at the response! People have basements, garages, and attics filled with empty jars waiting to be filled by YOU! (and often they are FREE!!!!!)
6. Each time you go to the store, pick up 1-2 packages of canning lids. Lids can be expensive; the cheapest source I have found is at Wal-mart. Accumulating a good supply of lids over a period of time helps in the overall cost. When the canning season is upon you, you can spend your money on the produce, and you can have the peace of mind of knowing you have plenty of canning lids on hand.
7. Be Ready to look for canning equipment sales towards the beginning of summer! Also, be aware that many stores start closing out canning supplies in late August/early September...a great time to stock up for the following year!
It may not seem the time to be thinking about canning, but there's no better time than now to prepare! So, good luck and HAVE FUN!!! You're way ahead of the game!
Lisa Carr is a "homestead mom" whose interests and expertise include: living off the grid, growing and preserving food, animal husbandry, etc. For more timely and helpful tips in these and other areas, especially those addressed in this article, go to Survival Central or Emergency Food Preservation
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