Showing off Kathleen! | WHITE HOMES

Ohhhh my goodness! I have been so excited to share this home and blog with you my friends! I've mentioned before that Instagram is one that I avoided when it became the next big thing -- but when I finally broke down and joined in…I fell in love. It can be overwhelming at times so I take breaks from all of the images at times, but wow, I absolutely LOVE the inspiration I have found there. 

One of my favorites is Kathleen of Lindsay Hill Interiors. She is a designer who creates beautiful spaces for others, but her home is just as stunning. You know the saying the cobbler's children have no shoes? Well I know first hand that happens a lot in design -- I didn't have time to tackle my own home when I was decorating the homes of others. (And that's one of the reasons I stopped doing it.)

But Kathleen's home…it is a stunner. I am so thrilled to share it with you. Her kitchen is the first space I saw that made me fall in love: 
white kitchen with pops of green
As much as I love all white kitchens I think if you're not careful they can feel cold easily. Her pops of color, wood floors and vintage touches make it a beautiful and warm space. 

Of course I love her dark gray doors throughout her home as well -- the contrast warms things up and adds to the character:
gray interior doors
And that tile! Love!

Kathleen's family room is just as beautiful. She made these slipcovers herself, what talent!:
DIY slipcovers

I'm a sucker for green, black and white -- that combo is so fresh to me. 

Her dining area doesn't disappoint, of course! You'll never believe what those upholstered chairs looked like before! She painted them
painting upholstery
I've seen this done a lot lately and I'm always shocked at the result! 

Here's another shot this space looking into the family room. So much beautiful architecture, I love every bit: 
family room kitchen set up

What you don't see from that view is her STUNNING fireplace. It's such a simple design but the trim and tile and of course, window seats flanking it put it over the top:
white fireplace penny tile

If you are on Instagram you NEED to follow Kathleen there. This is just the hint of her talent! You can stalk her account like me, no shame. ;) (While you're there you can check out mine too.) 

She shared this shot there the other day and again -- I love her simplicity. I'm not a fan of a ton of stuff when decorating and she really shows that classic design and simple touches are what make a space: 
white walls mud room bench

Go check out Kathleen's site here -- you won't be disappointed! Be prepared to drool. :) 

Have a great weekend my friends! We're celebrating my boy's ninth birthday! Can you believe it?? I can't. Have I mentioned my brother, husband, son, nephew and grandbaby all have birthdays within the first two weeks of December? Yeah. We are busy and thankful. 

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