August 2015 Before and After! | WHITE HOMES

Well hello! Can you believe it? August is here. Now that my son is in school this month brings mixed emotions. Before August was full of excitement because it signals the start of my absolute favorite season. But now it means my boy goes back to school and that makes me all kinds of sad. I will miss our lazy summer days so much!

By the time he goes back I'm usually ready for some structure again, but I'm not there this year. Sleeping in sounds way more fun, for real.

Anyway, we'll kick off this sad/happy month with another before and after link up! I do love that I get a new fire under me at this time of year -- we're coming into the season where I am crazy productive and looking at the projects from last month certainly got me amped up.

First, let's check out some of those awesome projects! I'm all about bookcases, as you may be able to tell from my latest DIY project, and Amy's idea had hearts fluttering out of my eyes:

She transformed an unused peninsula in her kitchen to some awesome storage with some store bought bookcases. Brilliant! 

Gretchen's black and white bathroom makeover is all kinds of sexy: 

I'm loving the contrast and her styling. She was able to fit a gorgeous dresser in the room which I never would have thought of -- but how awesome for bathroom storage?

Jennifer took an old metal patio set and gave it new life with paint:
This just made me smile -- love the colors!

I really loved Reshma's tray makeover -- these are the simple projects that I love about blogland:
This gives me an idea for a tray I have sitting in the storage room. Love these colors!

Erin's living room redo is so well done -- I knew once I saw that paneled wall I was going to love it: 

She did such a lovely job at layering the room -- it's such a pretty space!

And just to leave you with some happy, I had to share Priscilla's beautiful front yard:
July usually does a number on our flowers and hers have me inspired to get outside and spruce up the outdoor spaces for the the cooler months. (OK, the thought of cooler months does get me a little excited.)

As always I absolutely love seeing what you've been up to! It's time to link up for the August party -- if you'd like to be considered for next month's round up, please link to TDC in your post or feel free to add this code: 

<div align="center"><a href="" title="TDC Before and After" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="TDC Before and After" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Go ahead and link up your most recent projects here:

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