The Blue Ceiling Fix | WHITE HOMES

Well hello! Thank you for the kind words about the new bookcase! I'm thrilled with it! I'm answering any questions in the comments today so check back if you had one for me. 

Today I'm updating you on a bigger project and a smaller one, both we did at the same time. One I'm totally over the moon about and one I'm quite shocked that it actually worked (a little too well)! I like to update you on past projects occasionally -- whether they work or not. 

Earlier this spring I showed you our new steps off the front porch. I shared a before pic but as I was looking for more photos to show how small they were I realized I didn't really have a lot of good ones (that I could find). 

This shows you how tiny our porch is: 
tiny front porch

I don't let it hold me back when it comes to making it a welcoming spot! Though as you can see before the planters (which I didn't want to give up) and the railing made it a really tight space. Adding our storm door was a great move but it made getting into the house even more tight because it opens out. 

I did find this fall photo to show you how skinny the old steps were: 
mummy door for Halloween

I mentioned when we had this done that I would rather go without the railing because I liked the look without it. But we decided to keep it due to safety reasons and that little thing called building code. ;) 

I'm SO glad we had them install it again. You can see the after photos in this post but I snapped this one after the railing was installed: 
large board and batten shutters
Having the steps widened is easily in the top five things we've ever done to this house. Seriously up there with finishing the basement. We LOVE it. I cannot believe we waited this long to do it. 

Beyond just looking better as far as scale and as far as aesthetics, the wider steps make life so much easier! We use the front door constantly now -- I actually take the groceries in this way instead of through the garage because it's easier than taking them around the cars and up the little garage steps. It feels safer too -- I always felt like I was about to fall off of the old ones. 

Of course I can't wait to dress these up for fall and the holidays! :)

I knew that would be a good change, but didn't realize how good until we lived with it for awhile. The other change was one I am quite shocked by because it actually worked (but there's a caveat to that). You may remember I painted our porch ceiling blue:

no bugs on porch ceiling

Every spring, summer and fall it gets pretty gross up there with webs and all sorts of grody buggy stuff. I don't do bugs. So having them hang over our heads and those of our guests really grossed me out. 

I've heard for years that a blue ceiling gets rid of the bugs because they think it's the sky. I tried it because I had the paint and it only took a few minutes, but didn't really believe it would work. 

Well wouldn't you know -- it does. It's AMAZING. Not one nest up there all summer long (this was taken today):

blue porch ceiling gets rid of bugs

I am truly shocked that it works and have basically told everyone I know. :)

Two things though -- I used leftover interior paint thinking it would be fine. This ceiling gets an occasional bit of water from when I clean the porch once or twice a year, but that's it as far as the elements. No direct sun, no wind, no rain. But the paint is looking really blotchy all the sudden -- this just happened in the past couple of weeks. I'm guessing the humidity is causing the problem. So next time I'm going to prime and then paint with an exterior paint. 

Here's the only problem with the fact that this works and keeps the bugs away…they go elsewhere. And not good places. ;) Now the webs are down the sides of the front door, and usually right by the doorbell. It's not ideal:

I just cleaned that one off last night and it's back (it's a little hard to see here). So…do I paint the whole porch light blue? Kidding. It's tempting. 

The bottom line is that it works -- but at least for our little porch the problem just moved to another location. I have a feeling that it wouldn't be as big of an issue with a bigger porch. I'm guessing they would have more room to spread out so you wouldn't notice as much?

I told you all I'd update you on that blue ceiling so when I realized it worked I had to share! And many of you told me you were considering the same for widening your front steps so I say go for it -- you'll love it! Have you tried the blue ceiling trick outside?

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