I’ve enjoyed working with Better Homes and Gardens to show off some of their products over the past few months and I think this one is my absolute favorite. As a reminder, this is how our guest room looked as of a couple years ago after I painted the ombre wall:
I was working off the design we had in there when this was my stepdaughter’s room – the green is much better:
But the ombre look is still feeling a little “young” to me – I don’t hate it, I just want to make the room feel just a teensy bit more sophisticated, hence the small updates I’m making.
So I started with bed – we had that floral green and white duvet set for years now, but it had to go because of a spill that stained it. On our bed I would probably just hide the stain, but when guests use it I’d rather have the bedding perfectly clean.
Also, the green in the bedding was kind of a chartreuse green and it was really, really hard to decorate around. So when I couldn’t get the stain out I was kind of happy I could replace it. ;)
This is one of the brightest rooms in our house – the light just pours in here. I wanted to go with that and make it feel happy, but still cozy. The first addition were the SWEETEST blue and green floral sheets from BHG:
They are seriously the most adorable sheets I’ve ever seen. I know I just said I wanted to go a little more adult in this room and here I am talking about the new adorable sheets, but I couldn’t resist them.
I love them so much I wanted to put them in our room, but they didn't work in there at ALL. The guest room is perfect. (By the way, I can’t find these online but I’m working on it!)
The comforter is what I’m most excited about though. I have wanted one of these pintuck comforters, in white, forEVER. I drooled over them at expensive stores but never bit the bullet. Then the knock off versions started coming out but the reviews weren’t great (some use buttons that pop off and the “tuck” disappears). So when I found the BHG version and the reviews were great I was on that FAST:
People – I LOVE this bedding. (Here’s the link to it.) I washed it and it’s sooooo soft and fluffy. A fluffy bed is always so inviting, right? It washed great and came out with minimal wrinkles. (I was worried about that.)
The best part is it is is less than $40 for the comforter and the shams. Hello. That is awesome. We’ve had duvet covers for years and it’s nice to have a comforter to just throw on there – no messing around.
I mentioned this room is going to get a few more updates soon, but until then I added a few other little changes that will make our guests feel at home. This weathered frame was so pretty and I have to show you this little detail – you just turn around the paper inside and it’s instant art:
I especially love that for a guest room where you don’t really want to put photos of your family. I mean, I’m sure they would love waking up to your cute faces, but I think the art is nce too.
I love the print so I’m going to keep that in there, but I also created a simple printable that I’ll keep inside and put out when guests stay with us:
I uploaded it so you can download it here as well – feel free to use it! You’ll just need to write in your wifi code. :)
The resolution will work best in a 3 by 5 or 4 by 6 frame.
Here’s a better shot of the ombre wall:
That nightstand is actually an old sewing table that I found on the side of the road. It’s still one of my favorite redos of all time. :) That vase is really a lantern – I’ve been using it to hold flowers around the house though. Love it and the rope handle!
Another little detail that I’m a little obsessed with is the plug in wax warmer I found:
I can’t find the wall version online but this one is a little bigger for the same price ($10!).
I got a linen scented wax and I’ve had this on all day every day – it makes the whole upstairs smell so fresh. It’s not overpowering either – I don’t like a strong linen scent.
It’s the little things like this nightlight and the comforting scent that I LOVE. I hope it puts our guests at ease. I had it on last night and looked in the room and it felt so cozy and comfy:
I almost went to sleep in there, no lie. That bed is calling to me. I may have to do a nap in here at the very least:
I’m seriously so pleased with the new bedding. Next up – some new paint, hopefully a DIY headboard, window treatments and moving some furniture around. For now I’m really happy with how it’s coming together:
SO. If you love this bedding too, I have great news for you. Better Homes and Gardens is giving away another $100 Walmart gift card to one of my readers…just cause they’re nice like that.
This giveaway is now closed! The winner has been emailed. :)
I will be away spending spring break time with family over the next few days, so I’ll be back on Monday! Have a wonderful rest of your week and a great weekend!
I received compensation from BHG at Walmart for my time and participation in the BHG Live Better Network. All experiences and opinions are my own. Follow BHG on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest.
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