It’s funny, but back then I would never ever ever have put blue in our house. I’m quite sure I said it out loud – “I will never use blue in this house.” Foreboding. I didn’t like it at all…and now it’s my favorite color. Lurve it.
I realized as I was finishing up the last of the 17 (!!) pillow covers I’ve sewn over the past few weeks that blue is in almost every room of our house:
Got both of those fabrics from Calico Corners by the way – they had a 20 percent off sale over the weekend, look for those.
Here’s our family room way way back:
It was warm and cozy for sure. We loved it!
But blue feels classic and cozy to me too – whether I go light or dark with it:
Here’s another look back at a more recent photo (four years ago) with the gold and red tones:
I think it was lovely – I’m not one to knock my old style. But blue is my newer love and has been for years now:
Our drapes in the family room are a lighter, almost a gray blue:
They were on those windows when that room was my office – I think that room was the first one I started pulling the blue into years back. It was the start of my love affair. :) I waffle between these drapes and a slightly bolder design, but until I find something that strikes me these will stay. I do love them!
I showed you the new window seat pillows last week:
You can’t go wrong with green and blue – it’s fresh and fun!
There’s blue all over the place in the “new” library:
It’s more of a gray blue but it counts. ;)
What a difference compared to how the room used to look, yes?:
See, I told you that gold and red was my JAM!
I walked through the house finding more and more examples I didn’t even think of. Ha! I told you it’s all over the place:
You can see more about the DIY art here!
That dresser was black when I found it on Craigslist:
I’ve mentioned how much I love a little bit of black in every room, but the back of the front door and the bench are enough for me now. Seriously…the black accents got a little out of control for for a while.
One of my favorite rooms is the mud room – it’s a peacock blue and I LOVE it:
I take it back – the gold and black laundry room I do regret:
I was thinking pretty pale yellow and black. I ended up with surface-of-the-sun yellow and black. :)
The only room in the house with actual blue walls is our son’s room. He wants to change up a few things in here soon but the wall color will stay:
His room gets the least natural light in our house and yet the color still doesn’t make it feel closed in. Paired with the white it feels classic and timeless!
If you would have said to me five years ago that I’d have blue walls, furniture and pillows I would have been all EW. (Jimmy Fallon voice.) Now it’s what makes me happiest when decorating our house.
Is there a color you love that you said you would NEVER use in your home? I’m guessing it’s safe to say orange won’t happen here but I’ve certainly learned never to say never.
*Pretty sure I said blue 89 times.
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